I cannot activate my account

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As soon as you have completed the registration process, you will receive the activation link to the email address you used to create your player account.

Make sure you enter a valid email address and check the email address used to register in all sections (example: Inbox, Spam, Junk, Promotions, Social, etc.).

If you did not receive the link, please try logging in and you will receive the message "Your account is not active". From here you can request a new link by clicking on "click here to resend it", then you need to add the email address used to register your account to confirm.

exclamationSomething to keep in mind! The new link generated is valid for 72 hours.

If you registered with the wrong email address, you will no longer be able to activate your account by yourself and will need to send an account activation request, by default to update your email address, to customer support. Please prepare your username and the photo of your ID to be able to share it with support.

exclamationIf you already registered but didn't activate your account, you can't register again! You must follow all the steps above to activate it.

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