How do I recover my password?

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What do you do if you forgot your Napoleon player account password? Follow the steps below and discover all the necessary details!


If you have an active account, you can recover/reset your password by accessing the "Forgot password" link then entering the email address associated with your player account or from the site, following the instructions below:


1. Click on the "Login" button in the top right, regardless of which page you're on.


2. In the window that will open, click on "Forgot password?":



3. To reset your password, fill in the email address associated with your player account and click  "SEND REST LINK":

forgot password.png

4. Soon you will receive an email with your username and a link (button) to reset your password, on the email address associated with your player account. 


Note: there is a password setting rule (both when registering and when changing the password):

  • minimum 8 characters
  • requires numbers
  • requires uppercase letters
  • requires lowercase letters


What else do I need to know?

If you see the message "Something went wrong", it means that you tried several times to reset your password and did not access the last email you received to reset password.

Check again and click on the last link you received to complete the process or delete all emails received from us and then request the activation link again.

Boom Have in mind that pasword reset link will expire in an hour from the moment you have requested it.

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