If you believe your gambling behavior is escalating, you can visit your family doctor. He/she can help you or refer you to other competent authorities.
Of course you can also contact our customer service, so we can provide you of all things necessary.
You can also contact the following organizations:
Website: https://gokhulp.be/
We also want to let you know that you can always directly contact the Belgian Gaming commission. If you want to, they can deny any access to all the casino’s, game hall’s and gambling websites in Belgium.
You can contact the Gaming commission through the following resources:
Phone: +32(0)2/504.00.40 (only on weekdays between 9 am and 5 pm))
Fax: +32(0)2/504.00.66
Email: info@gamingcommission.be
Fill in the contact form:
Gaming commission
Information service
Kantertseen 47
1000 Brussel